
Forms & Applications

Auto Draft Form
Form used to have your payment automatically taken from your account
ACH form 202410062024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [393.8 KB]
Building Permit
Application for building permit
application for building permit.docx
Microsoft Word document [11.8 KB]

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Building Permits:

0-499.99   $15.00

500 - 999.99 $20.00

1000.00 - 4999.99 $30.00

5000.00 - 9999.99 $50.00

10,000 - 19,999.99  $75.00

20,000 - 29,999.99  $ 100.00

30,000 - 39,999.99  $125.00

40,000 - 49,999.99  $150.00

50,000 - 74,999.99   $175.00

75,000 - 99,999.99   $200.00

100,000 - 199,999.99  $250.00

200,000 - 299,999.99   $300.00

300,000 - 399,999.99   $350.00

400,000 - 499,999.99   $400.00

500,000 - 599,999.99   $450.00

600,000 - 699,999.99   $500.00

700,000 - 799,999.99   $550.00

800,000 - 899,999.99   $600.00

900,000 - 999,999.99   $650.00

1,000,000 - 1,999,999.99  $700.00

2,000,000 - 2,999,999.99   $800.00

Fee for each additional 1 million in construction cost will be an extra $100.00

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